LBJ, his successor, never had the charm of the Kennedys but that never stopped his midnight carousing. Inside Secret Service sources shared the story of his not-so-secret nighttime trysts with, so the story goes, just about anyone.
Trysts and assignations are nothing new to the White House. Even the most proper presidents had affairs – Eisenhower and FDR with their secretaries, Thomas Jefferson with his slaves, and the likes of Martin Van Buren, Garfield, and Cleveland with a variety of women. Bill Clinton had alleged affairs with Gennifer Flowers and, if his wife Hillary is to be believed, with any number of other trailer trash lowlifes.
The Age of Donald Trump, however, is altogether different. For all intents and purposes, the 70+ President has had his fling and has no interest in bedding anyone other than his wife. Yet, if not the sexiest man in America, he has made sex popular once again. He, the squire of Hollywood divas, the patron of beauty contests, the chief showman of Las Vegas glitz and glamour, is the champion of men’s right to behave badly.
Yes, he fondled, pinched, leered, and groped. So what? Today's censorious, politically correct, Puritanical attitudes concerning men and women, is but a political flourish. For all the progressive cant and invective, men will always chase women, find them impossible to resist, and dream of them until the day they die. Savvy men will bed hundreds of women in their lifetime. These sexually aware men understand women. They know that despite the feminist rhetoric, the claims of misogyny and patriarchal white, sexual privilege, women still are drawn to attractive, virile, confident men.
Despite feminist demands for sexual liberty, disavowal of physical allure and seduction, and the derogation of the predatory male – nothing has changed. There are still one hundred female sexual followers for every rock star, high-flying politician, Wall Street wunderkind, and spiritual guru. Women still want, and are ineluctably attracted to the most desirable (successful) males. There are no posters of fey, sexually indeterminate men in teenage girls’ bedrooms.
Donald Trump has made sexual allure acceptable once more. Of course we are not talking about the cinq-a-sept liaisons, the sophisticated infidelities of former French President Mitterrand at whose funeral were present not only his wife but his lover and their illegitimate daughter, or the indelicacies of another former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy who lived in the Elysees with his mistress while his estranged wife loudly objected. We are talking about pure American cornflower, freckled, wholesome womanhood.
America is a middle-brow, if not low-brow country. We are not a nation of Bach, Breughel, or Bernini; but one of the Indy 500, The Grand Ol’ Opry, Las Vegas, Hollywood and the soapy melodramas of New York. We love gorgeous, former model, exotic-looking First Lady Melania; and even more, sexy, steamy, blonde-and-beautiful Ivanka.
The Camelot of earlier White House days, the days of Carl Sandburg, Pablo Casals, and Dmitri Rostropovich, are gone forever; and in fact they were nothing but an irregular cultural interlude. America never was the country of classicism, elegance, and good taste; but wholesome, country music values.
So when President Trump squires beauty queens and says “I don’t think Ivanka would do that [pose for Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her’, we love him. We get it when he says, “I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful” or "Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world, I would say to myself, 'Can you believe what I am getting?" He is one of us – bourgeois, sex-obsessed, anti-intellectual.
It is very hard for the Establishment to accept Donald Trump as President. Not only is he a misogynist, homophobic, racist; a liar and grotesque caricature of leadership, but he revels in the accusations. He refuses to give an inch to his hopelessly idealistic critics.
No one denies the sexual oppression of women of the past; but few in today’s culture of victimhood, acknowledge the strength, power, and even supremacy of women despite a patriarchal society. The women of Shakespeare, Ibsen, and O’Neill among others best men at every turn. Laura, the heroine of Strindberg’s ‘The Father’ uses women’s ultimate authority – knowledge of paternity – to emasculate and dismiss her husband. Tamora, Dionyza, Goneril, Regan, Volumnia and Margaret have no truck with men or their presumptuous authority and win at any cost. Rosalind and her Comedic sisters demonstrate women’s innate sexual savvy and dominance.
To celebrate women as Trump has done – to show their beauty in pageants and television appearances. and to acknowledge their allure and ineluctable attractiveness to men – he does no disservice to them, but rates them as equals to men. Is there some inequality in being the pursued if pursuance results in reward? Trump speaks what men know – sexual pursuit is our cloth and our fabric; and women wear it willingly.
There is no legitimacy to the clams of Trump misogyny. He, in classical progressive terms, has been feminist in respect for his wife, his promotion of his daughter, and his gender-neutral hiring; but he has been classically male in his love of women as women; and this is what America respects.
There are few American males who differ from the Trump sexual philosophy. Most men desire and pursue women until their dying day. The ultimate irony, to paraphrase Dostoevsky, is than men desire women until their death, but are able to perform for only a fraction of their lives. Most women want a virile, sexually and socially confident male to guide to satisfy their need for shelter and their desire for satisfaction.
Donald Trump is no misogynist or patriarchal authoritarian. He is unabashedly male, dismissive of neo-cultural progressive assumptions about sexuality and gender fluidity; but never judgmental or sexually ignorant. If accepting sexual polarity and endorsing Lawrentian dynamics is a sin, so be it. Human sexuality will never be subject to temporal, political definitions.
More than Kennedy, LBJ, or Clinton, Trump is a sexual Man of the People. For his unashamed, unabashed love of beautiful women, he is one of us. For his refusal to accept the gender spectrum as nothing more than progressive confabulation, for his denial of fungible sexuality, and for his uncompromising belief in man-woman sexuality, he is a popular hero.
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