"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Monday, December 4, 2023

Joe Biden And The Tedium Of Being Right -The Sexless, Joyless White House

Joe Biden will run again for president on a platform of inclusivity, diversity, and gender fungibility. The one-off bathhouse encounters in the Castro or the under-the-ferns lesbian ‘immersions’ in Bernal Heights, once discouraged are now accepted if not encouraged. Any form of sexual encounter between consenting adults is good, healthy, and encouraged, says the White House.  For too long have gay and transgender men and women suffered under the yoke of sexual conservatism, and intimate relations between sexually alternate, transgender, and other men and women, stifled for generations, are now to be celebrated.   Under the new sexual algorithm, all hands are called on deck.  The ‘othered’, the formerly deviant, and the newly expressed are finally out of the hold. Four years of liberal social insistence have not been enough.  La lucha continua! 

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So what to make of a Delaware Irish Catholic married for decades and whose sexual life has been – according to investigative reporters – as pure and pristine as Ophelia, St. Margaret, or St. Luke de Paul? As far as as the international press is concerned, Joe Biden is a complete, faithful, uxorious, choir boy and not up to the machismo of Putin, Kim, or the Ayatollahs.  Male sexual authority and political power can indeed be conflated.

It doesn't matter that his sexual pull-date has long passed.  It's just that even if he could, he wouldn't - a sexually peckish, indifferent old man whose sexual ethos has always been a stringy parsimony.  Sex in the Biden Administration only a hard-bitten political imperative. It matters more what you are than what you do. 

When Bill Clinton was president and having his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the world was surprised only at his sexual adolescence.   Why on earth did he not bed her, remind her that if she talked no one in her family would ever work again, and tell Hilary to close the door on her way out? His sexual dalliance was not unusual, only his diffidence and sexual timidity. The Lincoln Bedroom was open and unoccupied, so why all the cigars, fellatio, and under-the-table sex?  Clinton was right in asking the Senate Committee exactly what they meant by ‘sex’, but the rest of the world only wondered why he didn’t take Monica upstairs.

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Every man in America wanted to be Jack Kennedy – young, handsome, powerful leader of the free world who slept with Marilyn Monroe and a hundred other Hollywood starlets and international beauties – and every woman wanted to be in his bed.  Black women wanted to be loved by Martin Luther King, prophet, racial hero, and man of their people.  Few women wanted to be taken to the corn shed by LBJ, but admired his virility, prairie voluptuousness, and raw desire.

Sanctimony set in after Bill Clinton – George Bush and Obama were models of rectitude and moral judgment – but thank God, the fly of male America was unbuttoned when Donald Trump came to office.  He was proud of the arm candy, beauty queen, showgirl opulence of America, and was never shy about posing with the finalists of Miss America, or his own classically beautiful, runway-ready wife. 

Sex was back – male pursuit, female demurral and complaisance were in.  There was no shame in heterosexuality.  In fact it should be limned as it was in the days of Petrarch and the Romantic poets.  Cherchez la femme, win her, have children, and love other women; and once Trump is back in office, flesh-and-blood sex will once again return.

Joe Biden ran for the Presidency on a ticket of sexual propriety, inclusivity and diversity.  He has gone out of his way to appoint members of every alternate American ethnic, racial, and sexual group to his Cabinet; but in so doing he has neutered himself.  To his supporters Biden is a man of the times – an asexual representative of all sexual variations.  To his critics he is a capon, coopted  and trimmed by gender radicals. 

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Given age and generational zeitgeist, the older man knows that such abjuration of heterosexuality is nonsense.  He will to his dying day be obsessed with sex.  There can be no demurral or reconfiguration of sexual interest.  Men think of sex all the time.   What then to make of this neo-Puritanical diffidence and bending to the sexual wind?

Poor Joe, doing the right thing instead of the real thing, deferential and respectful, uxorious, and faithful for ever after. The man that he now is - shuffling, doddering, and lost - is a metaphor for the lifelessness and sexual impotence of the White House. 

JFK, LBJ, MLK Putin, Mitterrand and a thousand others have never seen any inconsistency between virile heterosexuality and national leadership.  It is the emasculated presidents and premiers, they have said, who can never lead their  countries to world power and dominance because they are YY-deficient, women in men’s suits who believe in love, sharing, consideration, and belonging.  Machismo and potent, world pre-eminence not only can be conflated, they are functionally related. 

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There is something compelling about Jack London’s story of Buck (Call of the Wild) – his tale of aggressiveness, and male dominance.  There is a completeness and perfection in the male character of Buck – he has no feminine side – and his will is male, one unmistakably virile, potent, and forceful.  While many men may publicly disavow any such characteristics as primitive evolutionary throwbacks, privately they feel that they have capitulated their maleness, accommodated women far too much, and become neutered.  It is one thing to support women’s equality of opportunity and enterprise, another thing to feel emasculated by their insistent claims of emotional and intellectual superiority.

It is better to have a male, macho, predictable president in the White House than  a politically correct one.  As much as we may think that we are a sexually and gender-evolved nation, the rest of the world thinks otherwise.   Putin, Kim, and the Ayatollahs have read Machiavelli, and know that an ingenue, a naïf, an idealistic, overmatched  president is in the White House.

Kissinger repeated what every world leader knows – Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac – and those men who exude and embody  masculinity, male intent, and sexual intensity will not only bed any woman who comes calling but the rest of the world.

Joe Biden is the least prepared president ever to assume office.  He is a man of timid, idealistic compromise and the sexual impotence to go along with it – nice, comfortable values for progressive Americans, but a feast for aggressive adversaries.

The electorate knows this well.  As much as progressives say nothing doing - the macho man waiting in the wings is nothing more than a predatory, outdated, supernumerary - voters want a man of vitality, sexual energy, and a potency which thrives in the bedroom and abroad.


Why is Trump so easily forgiven?  Why have the charges against him been summarily dismissed by his supporters? Because 'So sue me' is the meme of a man of the mean streets of New York.  What real estate mogul ever showed up at an adversarial meeting with flowers and a Catechism?  Of course Trump plays fast and loose, what else would you expect? And expect we will when he faces down the ayatollahs.  

Trump, no young buck, is one nevertheless.  Better him in the White House squiring beautiful women than the old guy in the Oval Office escorting the sexless nominees of the gender spectrum.  

Things will change once Trump is back in office.  Not only will the tired, tepid, and discredited policies of the Left be scrapped, but the lights of the White House will be on again. 

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