
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Blood On Their Hands - The Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump And The Complicity Of The Hateful Left

Donald Trump has been the focus of unremitting hatred for over a decade.  In the latest incarnation of the Left he is a threat to democracy and the very underpinnings of the Republic.  He is a tyrant in the wings, a usurper, an autocrat out to turn the country into a brutal dictatorship.  Pogroms of gay, transgender, and black people; mass deportations, grand sweeps of the country to rid it of political and social opposition will begin on Inauguration Day. He is an insurrectionist, a liar, brutal and self-serving - a latter day Hitler. 


These accusations levied against the former President are willy-nilly, a priori assumptions, inchoate, verminous, and unfounded.  The syllogistic meme that has characterized the Left's ad hominem, relentless onslaught - 'He does evil because he is evil' - has been the only basis for such destructive, damaging allegations.  The belief that he is not just a political opponent but an immoral, godless Satan has infected electoral discourse for years.  

His lies, say the Left, his misinformation, and deliberate distortion of the truth are hateful examples of his power-hungry, amoral ascent to power.  He is a man without a scintilla of rectitude, with no moral compass, a man not only determined to end democracy but to establish an Orwellian state where only his truths are valid. 

His 'lies', however, are no more mistruths than anything coming from Jackie Mason or Henny Youngman on the old Borscht Belt circuit. His Leftist antagonists say that his ad hominem, 'cruel and insensitive' portrayals are uncalled-for reminders of his soulless character; but they are nothing more than vaudevillian humor.  His 'lies' are part and parcel of his persona - a big, bullish man with infinite confidence.  Trump supporters are Deconstructionists able to parse what he says to derive meaning.  They go past the exaggerations, hyperbole, and bombast to extract essential principles. 

Ronald Reagan operated on fundamental principles - small government, lower taxes and less regulation, a strong military, encouragement of the private sector, and a protection of Bill of Rights freedoms - and was understood and respected for them. It was easy to follow this simple, elegant, and straightforward man.  

Donald Trump is equally principled but a master showman, tummler, vaudevillian and comedian.  It is harder to parse what he says, delve, and mine for meaning; but his followers have learned how. 

The Left simply has never understood the Trump phenomenon and have never altered their self-serving assumption that he is an inveterate liar and deceiver.  The truth, however, is their truth not the truth.  

American presidents have been attacked by their adversaries with scurrilous, unfounded, and reckless charges before; but never has a president been the subject of such hateful, spiteful, venomous tirades. 

If the American people swallow this - that the re-election of the man will result in the downfall of the Republic, Kristallnacht sweeps, imprisonments, torture, deaths, and a barbaric, unrecallable state - then they will vote for the sitting President, Joe Biden.  

There is nothing in the Democratic platform that addresses Trump's policies and proposed programs - all of which are reasonable, justifiable, and logical.  He has argued for energy independence and balancing environmental issues with the competitive geopolitical market.  He has vowed to roll back the punitive measures to inhibit free speech and to stop the unfounded claims of the race-gender-ethnicity marionettes.  

He has argued for a return to Kissinger-Machiavellian realpolitik, and a patriotic nationalism.  He, like Ronald Reagan before him has pledged to lower tax burdens on the most productive and to limit legislative controls on them.  He has argued for a sensible border policy that balances economic demand with national and cultural integrity. 

The Left has no counter to these principles and rely only on idealistic notions of 'equality'.  They lionize the black man and want to raise him atop the human pyramid but refuse to address the persistent perennial dysfunction of he ghetto, to assign personal responsibility, and to criticize entitlement and the stifling of opportunity.  

They promote the most impossibly fantastical vision of human sexuality.  They automatically milk the productive wealthy to enrich the unproductive poor.  They champion diversity but in so doing create a divisive, hostile nation. 

The derisive, ad hominem, irresponsible claims against Donald Trump - that his victory in November is tantamount to a capitulation to the Devil, an ushering in of a tyrannical rule of hatred and disassembly and a regime of brutality, greed, and unwarranted privilege  - cannot help but create the enabling environment that encourages violence.  

It is not the MAGA 'far right' that is violent - the events of January 6th, all fright wigs, face paint, and Viking helmets, were nothing more than a mob of wackos who had come out of the woodwork, the backcountry, and crackerland to cause a fuss.  It is the far Left that is violent, for their incitement to violence through peddling hatred is far more insidious and far more destructive.

And the assassination attempt? What do you expect from a country filled with psychopathic killers given a free pass in the name of inclusivity, a free ride through schools, jobs, and public service, their twisted, deformed, murderous pathology overlooked and dismissed? 

When twisted, deformed, hateful political ideology is combined with a fevered, irrational, unformed brain, the result is mayhem.  Just a matter of guns? Just a matter of psychopathology? No and never.  

If Trump was treated only as a political adversary with differing ideas and policies but without the overheated, fiery, subhuman environment fomented and stirred up by the Left, violent political expression would not happen or at least would not be so common The Left has to answer for the assassination attempt.

'Hate Has No Home Here', say the rainbow signs festooning lawns in upscale, liberal neighborhoods; but hate definitely lives there.  The hatred for Donald Trump is palpable, visceral, and immured.  The name Trump alone is enough to shake the foundations of nice homes.  Ordinarily respectful neighbors become twisted and ghoulish with hate at the mention of the man - a zeitgeist promoted, fostered, and encouraged by the progressive Left. 

It is the hypocrisy of all hypocrisies - those who promote inclusion and diversity as a platform actually encourage the vilest, most dangerous form of hatred.     


Now the re-election of Donald Trump is all but assured.  Not only has this horrific incident awakened voters to the insanity of the Left's hateful attacks on the former President and the bald hypocrisy of their notions, but the current President, Joe Biden, is an old, doddering, confused relic.  

The image that will remain in voters mind is the bloodied, defiant, courageous Donald Trump raising his fist, showing the crowd that he is still here, a tough son of a bitch, their man, and their President.  

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