"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Olympic Drag Queens And The 'Friendship' Of The Apostles - A Very Gay Last Supper Indeed

It didn't take the French Government's celebration of French queerness and the drag queen Last Supper to suggest that something was going on with Jesus and his disciples. 'Come on, guys', said Leonid Fanning, gay Biblical historian who had focused on the life of the apostles and their relationships with Jesus and one another. 


These men lived together, preached the gospel together, and slept together.  It was a small, embryonic Christian community about to change the world; and could only have happened with such a male confraternity. 

Women were ancillary features in the rise of Christianity - vessels like Mary whose identity was not based on any agency, but 'a lambent repose', said Fanning.  It was the men who did the trick, dispelled the heresies of the second century, dismissed Gnosticism and its clones, and assured that the Holy Trinity was male and male only - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost who, as the representation if not reincarnation of the resurrected Jesus, was also a male deity. 

The Old Testament offered no less of an endorsement of 'the male principle', Fanning went on. In all the who begat whom genealogy of Deuteronomy and Kings, women were the bearers of Jewish offspring, the first yentas, mothers and protectors of the male line of Abraham, Isaac, David, Saul, and Joshua. 

And so it was that this group of bonded men - Jesus and his apostles - formed the first, most important, most telling group of gay men the world had ever known.  Of course the Ancient Greek aristocracy were all pederasts, and slavery in Athens has an added twist to tea service and laundry.  Young boys were part of the household, kissed and fondled, served wine and olives, seduced and hammered by the rulers of the land; but there was no camaraderie involved, no groups of gay men bonded in sexual solidarity and brotherhood.  


It took a thousand years for such an efflorescence of male bonded sexuality to emerge.  'What do you think went on at the Last Supper?', asked Fanning rhetorically.

This was not to detract from the religious nature of the event - a Christian Passover, a religious resolve and an oath taken before God Almighty - but let's face it, the scholar went on, boys will be boys and there was a time and place for everything. 


This is why the drag queen Last Supper invocation was so important, for it channeled the original sense of male sexual camaraderie of Jesus' time and added a modern twist - gay men at the apogee of sexual identification. The irony, the sheer chutzpah of the Olympic organizers' celebration of the sexual free for all zeitgeist of today was brilliant. 

'We are a Christian country', the show said, 'but not your grandfathers' Christianity, all buttoned up Catholic machismo. At worst it was a courtesan's Christianity, but at best a gay one - all that papal getup, swishy with those cute red slippers, bling, and flowing trains is so gay.  

Criticize the priesthood all you want, it is the very reincarnation of the boys around Jesus Christ, but out of sackcloth and sandals and into high fashion.  The priests at St Maurice parish on Long Island were known to slip into the silk chasuble and Italian pumps of Father Brophy swish up and down the aisle to a Bach recessional played by one of the altar boys. 

A colleague of Fanning's at Harvard Divinity School took exception to this super-woke interpretation of the Last Supper and the whole gay thing which was an insult to Christians everywhere especially in Africa where Episcopal priests helped split the church over the issue of a gay bishopric.  

The Africans, well-known for their machismo and insatiable heterosexual appetites wanted nothing to do with a gay Jesus or gay apostles.  The meme circulating throughout Episcopal Africa was that the apostles were indeed a bonded male community but had their concubines, casual affairs, and other sexual intimacies. 

In a well-known, oft-circulated sermon on the subject the Reverend Dr. Alphonse Ranigirarawana of Rwanda made a cogent, compelling case for the sexual vitality of Our Lord. 

If Jesus was man', he said, then his sexual appetites would follow.  He would be no different than any man for whom woman is a delight, a satisfaction, and a pleasure.  To assume celibacy would be folly.  Paul had it all wrong, had been duped by the conservative wing of the new church, and should not be taken seriously

Secular observers stated simply, 'What were they thinking?', and took exception to the oo-la-la extravaganza at the opening of the Paris Olympics. 'A freak show, a nasty little absurdity, wretched Gallic ordure', but the organizers, all gay twits themselves were delighted with the attention.  Here at the Olympics despite all the ghastly sweaty bodies and showboating, there could be something really important and put currently beleaguered France back on the political map.  

Most viewers simply cringed at the bad taste.  This Cage Aux Folles nonsense should have stayed in Pigalle where it belonged, not on the bloody Champs Elysees, they said, and turned off the whole event, lock, stock, and barrel.  Queer celebration indeed! Take it somewhere else. 

The presumptive Democratic candidate for President of the United States, Kamala Harris couldn't have been more delighted.  The French did her job for her, went out front as champions for gender diversity, the righteousness of LGBTQ+ individuals, and the coming of the post-heterosexual age.  The Olympics said it all.  

Nevertheless, she couldn't help herself and in one of her first campaign appearances pointed to the Olympic torch and shouted, 'A gay Olympics, and about time!' which earned her kudos from the Left but jeers from the Right.  It was a wash, said a pollster who took the electorate's pulse after her appearance, but the whole infuriating, blasphemous affair turned the opposition rabid, and that did not augur well. 

The Olympics will be long forgotten by the time of the American election, but the Last Supper caper will not be; and whenever voters hesitate between this lever or that in the polling booth, the image of the drag queen Last Supper will do the trick.

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