
Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris And The Parody Of Race, Gender, And Ethnicity - The Misshapen Absurdity Of Identity

Everybody knew it from the beginning - Kamala Harris would bide her time until it was the right moment to throw her boss under the bus.   She knew that time was now.  In public solidly behind her man, Joe's the one for the future, he's the one to unite the country, blah, blah, but in private she was ready either to keep him in office until he did not know on which side his toast was buttered or be sure that she was the Democratic Presidential candidate in November.  It was a win-win situation and if she played her cards right come January 2025 she would be sitting right where that old man was sitting now. 


The problem was that his parody of a politician made no more sense that the President; and she simply could not keep her big mouth shut, weaving the most impossibly fantastical messes, and unable to stop the randomly associated, meaningless phrases from continuing, 

They taught us that we could do anything and should never be burdened by the limitations of other people to be able or not be able to see what can be. And this is that community who understands and can see what is possible unburdened by what has been.


Accompanied by cackling, lunatic laughter, Harris created in herself a parody of a leader.  Somehow imagining herself eloquent, a Winston Churchill, a John F Kennedy - a poet stateswoman, a clear, incisive thinker with philosophical overtones - she turned into a weird marionette whose strings got crossed and whose wooden mouth kept yapping away, the puppeteer tangled and lost, yanking and pulling until Pinocchio stopped itself. 

She somehow managed to get her thoughts together once when she savaged Brett Kavanagh, nominee for the Supreme Court.  Those hysterical moments of high soap opera was especially noted, given the longwinded, self-serving, boisterous questioning of the Judiciary Committee. It was de rigeur, par for the course to badger, interrupt, hector, and humiliate the nominee; but Kamala Harris outdid herself and her colleagues when she lit into Kavanagh.  Her invective was vile and her approach hostile.  She was a demon, a succubus, a shrewish, clawing thing. 


Now, however, told by her handlers to shut up and talk about abortion rights and the path to a better future, she must reign in her dripping ambition and make nice.  Actually all it takes is for her to remind voters that she is how God intended us to be - a perfect trifecta of race, gender, and ethnicity all rolled up into one  Not only do you get a woman, she told an adoring crowd - a proud, independent, fiercely determined feminist - but a black woman of a race that is destined to regain its place atop the human pyramid, borne of tribal wisdom and environmental harmony, enslaved and dismissed, but which is now ascendant, etc. etc.; and a woman of proud ethnicity 

On this last gate of the trifecta, ethnicity, she had to watch her step because rarely if ever did she pull out her Indian heritage.  The political meme these days was black this, black that, and better to ride that horse to the white house than bring up Indians, usually at the very top of the ethnic ladder, hi-tech geek millionaires running Silicon Valley, elite capitalists.  Better keep the references chapattis, dhal, and curry.  Besides, the Vice Presidential candidate on the other side was a bona fide Indian, a beautiful one at that plus a Yale graduate with an impressive resume, so keep the Indian thing under wraps. 

All she has to do is just hammer away at her triple identity and go on about 'It's about time', in the shoes of Obama, the pants suits of Hillary, and the overalls of Jose the painter rather than go into detail about anything.  

Which is why Trump and Vance will out this parody, this manufactured faux icon of diversity as the bullying thug that she is. Biden may not have had a thought in his head, but Harris' is a tangle of nonsense. Once Trump has at this imposter, the end will come soon. 

Most politicians in this woke age might stay away from any suggestions of affirmative action - Harris' rise thanks only to the trifecta of race, gender, and ethnicity - or lighten up on criticism for fear of being called misogynist, or avoid Indian head-wagging stereotypes, but not Donald Trump.  Harris is fair game just like Pocahontas Warren or Hillary Clinton, and no kid gloves will be used in the campaign.  Every one of Harris' appeals to her diverse heritage will be met with the same parody she made for herself.  


The progressive Left who will vote for a black, a gay, a transgender, an ethnic minority no matter what, is not the problem.  Trump has pissed them off for years. His appeal will be to his supporters and those in the middle who have had enough cant about diversity, who want finally to see through the sham of sex, color, and birth and get down to the business of the country. 

Harris' advisors are encouraging her to go after the Trump ticket on abortion.  They she has already said, are retrograde misogynists who want to once again confine women to the kitchen, to the nursery, and to the bedroom.  Of course none of this is true.  Not only has Trump never suggested a nationwide ban on abortion, choosing to follow the free market decision of the Supreme Court; but he has taken the moral high ground.  

Expediency, he has said, echoing Catholic Popes since John Paul II is the sin behind the sin.  Abortion has become a convenience when it is existential.  This message resonates at least as much with his supporters as the abortion at will, scraping a bit of phlegm from where it doesn't belong policies of the Harris people. 

It will not be enough for Harris to rely on identity politics, the woke agenda of race, gender, and ethnicity to win the election.  The American electorate, save for those clustered on the coasts for whom diversity is the Holy Grail, is tired of diversity, inclusivity, and the constant, tiresome badgering about the plight of black people, gender fluidity, and ethnic pride. 


If she is to win she must focus on more substantial issues; but because of the Democratic party's persistence of focus on the woke agenda, there are few to mention.  The more obvious traditional concerns - immigration, energy, foreign affairs, the economy - are in enough of a mess thanks to Biden that Harris would be wise to stay away from them; but without identity and political substance, she is what everyone expected in the first place - an ambitious, self-promoting, cipher. 

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