"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Master And Slave - The Plantation Mentality Of The American Left

'I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth...' goes the Confiteor, the seminal prayer of Catholics. More than a simple expression of belief it is a statement of solidarity, belonging, and obedience.  The Church has always taken no prisoners and has been as aggressive and unrelenting in its exercise of domination as Islam ever was.  


Of course in recent years it has fumbled, hoping to win over converts not conquer them, and to keep membership strong without the threat of excommunication.  The Church is no longer the august institution that it once was, crusader, executioner, a virtual Mongolian army, its Pope a Genghis Khan marauding east to west to conquer, subdue, and rule the greatest empire the world has ever seen; but the inspiration is still there.  

Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran have the same imperial goals, the same desire for hegemony.  Whether nationalism, fundamentalism, or a return to the glories of the past, the impulse is the same. 

This imperialism, this hegemonic desire, this territorial and cultural aggression is not borne out of thin air, bestowed on autocrats and neo-imperialists.  It is derived from a popular zeitgeist - the people's ambition is the source of political ambition, bottom up.  Rulers cannot rule autonomously.  They must embody a national sentiment and then transform it into an emblematic rule. 

Whether Roman bread and circus, the pageantry of high mass, the Haj, or marching for an Islamic caliphate, rulers have always taken popular sentiment then embodied, embellished, transformed, and created it into their own version of imperialism. 


The true believer - the leader of this popular sentiment - is at the vanguard of the cotton-pickers, the slaves of the imperial plantation, the 'Yes, Massa', shuckin' and jivin' dupes of the overlords.  They, those that willingly, naively, and whole-heartedly accept what it given them, are the enablers of authoritarian rule, tolerant of its abuses. 

True believers form cadres and militias to enforce plantation rule.  The elite only has to fan the flames, throw a few logs on the fire, and watch the frenzy from their pasha's palace. Without zealots, there would be no sultans, kings, or shahs. 

Amy Liggett, was one such true believer, a principal in the Progressive Alliance, an umbrella group comprised of all major organizations subscribing to the ethos of inclusivity, diversity, environmental sanity, and economic equity.  In other words an organization which brought together all likeminded advocates for social justice, civil reform, political action, and economic change.  

It was the spearhead of the One Wall Street anti-capitalist movement which underlay all progressive causes.  It was capitalism, the organization’s leaders wrote, and Amy eloquently articulated the idea that it was the base evil of the American system, the end all of social justice, the destroyer of the aspiring, the predator of the people’s wealth, and the home for the renegades of the right.

The Progressive Alliance was a big tent, a revivalist community of the likeminded, the committed, and the willing.  Within it sectoral issues were set aside in a chorus of unity.  Environmentalists sat with gay activists who raised their voices in unison with feminists.  The hymns were anthems of allegiance to one another and to the cause of social revolution.  There were no discordant choristers, none who sang out of tune or rhythm.  It was a congregation of true believers who signed contracts in blood for the elimination of the greedy, oppressive, racist American system.

From the podium, on podcasts, and in print Amy Liggett spewed bilious hatred for Donald Trump and the radical, subversive movement he headed.  Her speeches were electric.  The big tent roared with approval and hurrahs of support.  She talked of solidarity, spirit, and passion and spoke of the movement as holy, anointed, and meant to be.  She contrasted it with the evil of MAGA, the new silver shirts, the deep, malignant state of political renegades and anarchists led by Donald Trump.  

As her speeches roused more and more applause and universal cries of approval, she expanded her vision of Donald Trump’s America.  He is no different from Hitler, she said, recalling images of brown shirts, the Gestapo, and the camps.  “It is no different in America today”, she shouted to thousands gathered in a packed arena.  “Fascists, Nazis, storm troopers, and murder….and we are here to stop them”.  The thousands in the audience roared their approval, raising their fists in anger and solidarity.

Nazi's personal life revealed in trove of writings, photos

If true believers talk only to themselves, then the idea of man-induced climate change becomes settled science, and every serious weather event can be linked to it.  No tornado, warm spell, flood, or earthquake can ever be an individual event.  The LGBTQ+ movement which started out to be a lesson in tolerance and inclusiveness, has now – thanks to an insular, closed environment – become a baroque championship of strange sexual alternatives.  

When individuals join groups of likeminded conspiracy theorists, they are free to invent, fantasize, and create new, impossible realities with impunity.  Their claims will simply be taken up by their fellow conspiracy theorists and will make the rounds, increasing in intensity and transforming from one person to the next until the claims become unworldly.

The leaders of the Left have an easy job.  The 'people' - the same people that Alexander Hamilton distrusted and whose ignorant mob mentality he believed would distort and deform the principles so carefully enunciated by him, Jefferson, and the other Founders of the Republic - need only a few inspirational words from demagogues to get them rolling, and before long the entire progressive movement is one of impossible comic book fantasy, a world more fantastical and farfetched than the weirdest science fiction. 


Progressives in Washington watch with pleasure as their minions, armed with nothing more than Dune and Martian Chronicles carry out their agenda with ever increasing hysteria. Men masquerading as women, black ghetto pimps on the dais, a fiery climate Armageddon on the horizon, the end of democracy at the hands of the devil's spawn, the consummate greed of capitalist money grubbing financial elitists.  

These true believers have, like the obedient Yes, Massa slave, bowed and scraped to their overlords, their masters, their Simon Legrees, have lost all integrity, given up any hope of serious thought, have perpetuated myth after myth, tall tale after tall tale, and kept their massas in power long after they should have been cashiered and left on the curb. 


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