"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Shooting Of Donald Trump, Hero Ascendant And Victor - The Campaign Is Over

The one irrefutable rule of politics is that of the pendulum's arc.  No matter how convinced one partisan side may be of victory, permanence, and a golden future, the other side always rises to power, scuttles all former promises, blocks headway, and ushers in a new, righted world. 

For four years the liberal Democrats in America have been convinced that their time has come; that America will finally and once and for all jettison the old and march towards a new Age of Enlightenment. Only a radical remaking of society - the removal of all traces of its white, patriarchal, privileged past; and the establishment of a new order of social justice, diversity, and inclusivity - will do.  The time for gradual reform has had its day.  Nothing less that a structural reordering, a fundamental change from the bottom up will do. 

As with all true believers, the American Left with an arrogated moral rectitude and absolute conviction of the progressive vision, have become enforcers.  There could be no room for dissent in the assembly of a new world.  Ideas become absolutes - heterosexuality is a sexual concept among others, given to choice and change.  The black man, thanks to his forest origins and tribal purity, embodies the best of humanity and as such must be placed at the top of the human pyramid.  

The diversity of lesser races, cultures, and ethnicities is a higher order of social organization and as such must be encouraged and engineered to reformulate the white-dominated plutocracy of the country.  Capitalism must be dismantled to assure that America's wealth is shared equally. 

Just as the Early Church in the second and third centuries fought anti-Christian heresy, and did all within its power to root out those who challenged the received wisdom of Athanasius, Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory, so American progressives felt obligated to defeat and remove all heretical  movements against them.  They have become prophets of doom. 


Their resistance is not simply political but existential.  Those on the Right who challenge their Utopian vision cannot be allowed to exist.  The notions of civil plurality, equal say under the law, political diversity and electoral right have no meaning when faced with evil.  The abrogation of civil rights is nothing compared to the holocaust which will certainly come if Trump gains power. 

So over the last four years the Left has pursued their agenda on two fronts - first to promote their righteous claims of black superiority, the reordering of human sexuality, the forced racial and ethnic reconfiguration of society, and the economic transformation of an elitist capitalism to a universal, socialist one. 

Second to demonize the the political Right and its leader, Donald Trump.  In hysterical, wild, inchoate, and unhinged attacks, Trump has been portrayed as demonic, a Satanic usurper, an anti-democratic tyrant, a humiliating, destructive homophobic misogynist. 

Only the closed ranks of the Left have believed any of this.  The labels of 'convicted felon, insurrectionist, bulldozing, anti-social dictator, fiend' have never stuck. Trump is not the anti-democratic obstructionist portrayed by the Left but a determinedly democratic one who has vowed to rescind all their Orwellian orders and reset the country. 

Of course the man is full of himself, a bombastic, outrageous Borscht Belt tummler, vaudevillian, circus master of ceremonies and a brilliant impresario; but those who pay attention hear what he means, and laugh at what he says.  Beneath all the stage presence is a conservative in the mold of Ronald Reagan - small government, privatization, entrepreneurship, lower taxes and fewer regulations, a strong military, traditional values of home, family, and religion, patriotism, and a muscular foreign policy. 

Trump's appeal is visceral.  He sticks it to the arrogant political elites of the Left, champions populism and popular rule, and unreservedly ridicules the Left's faux-Utopian, fantastical notions. He not only endorses free speech, he speaks freely without restraint, without the yoke of correctness, without concern for offending, with confidence, purpose, and impossible energy.  He is unabashedly white, heterosexual, wealthy, and privileged; and challenges anyone to defy the reign of European civilization. 

And then the shooting and the iconic image of the former President, bloodied, shielded by the Secret Service, but raising his fist in defiance.  It is that one moment which will define the next three months until the campaign.  It will energize his supporters, consolidate his electoral margins of victory and more than anything show the Left's demonization for what it is - irrational, hysterical, fearful and wild attacks with no foundation.  The febrile moves of a party led by an old man who is given his lines, far past his time, treated like a child, a political hack who knows nothing but electoral office. 

Donald Trump is the anti-Biden.  Outsized, bigger than life, a man of Hollywood, Las Vegas, and the mean streets of New York.  A defiant, unintimidated, unstoppable force  

The bald-faced attempts to cast Trump as a demon are now seen in all their hysterical relief.  No one doubts that this inflamed, inflaming rhetoric about a man whose election will assure Armageddon was not incidental in the mind of the shooter.  Words mean something, and one must take responsibility for them.  The Left's crazed apocryphal rants are not just political hyperbole.  When one invokes the End of Days, destruction, mayhem, and death, there will be consequences. 

Trump draws thousands to his rallies.  His popularity is unquestioned, his status as popular icon as well as presidential candidate increases with every appearance.  The label 'far right' has long since lost currency and credibility.  'Far left' is what the country must fear and it has seen enough over the past four years to want it stopped, ended, and removed from political discourse. 

The outcome of elections is never easy to predict.  Polls are often wrong and anything - as we have seen in the last week - can happen in the months before November voting.  The shooting of Donald Trump has changed the tenor, substance, and probabilities of the campaign.  Trump is indeed a hero ascendant, a victor, and the likely new President of the United States. 

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