"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Two Straight White Guys At The Top Of The Republican Presidential Ticket - What???

What? Two white guys running for President and Vice-President?? Must be a mistake, some pathetic joke.  In this day and age?  In this pluralistic diverse world?  Two white straight men, as white as can be with not a trace of shame or apology.  All white, they were white, white everywhere on the podium. It was First Communion all over again, the Mormon Tabernacle choir, white until it was coming out your ears, white silk, white organdy, white, white, white...

The stage was decked with white chrysanthemums, white roses, and white azaleas, a white sport coat and a pink carnation, going to the hop in a white Cadillac.... A fantasia of white, a child's garden book of white, a white proscenium, white scrim, white everything except for the red and blue of the flag. 

Donald Trump, despite lawfare and the smarmy attempts to put him behind bars, escaped Scot free as one judge after another and the Supreme Court itself dismissed the charges against him exposing the witch trials for exactly what they were.  Then if that were not enough, the man gets shot and in a moment of pure, outlandish luck, he is caught in an iconic, heroic, patriotic image - bloodied, defiant, fists in the air.  


Finally, to add insult to injury - this white supremacist misogynistic homophobe picks a clone for a running mate - a man even more far right than he, but one with impeccable credentials - military veteran, Senator, Yale Law School graduate, and populist icon in his home state of Ohio.  Spitting in the face of the millions of brown and black men and women, millions more gay, lesbian, and transgenders who have finally been able to come out of the closet.

These two white men will put them back in, shut them up, keep them in chains and harnesses, untether them only to pick cotton and till the fields.  The black man's day has almost come.  He had been just at the rise of the steeple, near the top of the pyramid and along come two white slave masters, plantation grandees, miscegenist outlaws. 


Whoa! shouted the Reverend Al Sharpton for whom the selection of two white men was an implicit insult to black people everywhere. He pointed to a video of a Black Lives Matter street demonstration on the jumbotron behind him. 

Look at this! Look again. These black brothers and sisters are the future of America, its new leaders, the avant garde of a racial revolution in the country which will erase all vestiges of whiteness, white privilege, and European oligarchy. 

These two white men on the podium and the legions of their white supporters saw only a hectic, lawless, wild, inchoate mob who marched and stopped just long enough to break into CVS and come out with shopping carts full of cheap makeup and lip gloss.  There was no greater meaning here, not in this parade, nothing like MLK's march which white people joined.  This was a mess, a clown show. 

Blackness was The Second Coming.  Accommodation with the white man was capitulation, a shuckin' and jivin' toadying to Jim Crow and the plantation South.  It was time for a change to a black country with Mandinka tribalism, voodoo and drums. No more white.  Shutters would be black, houses black, darkness at midnight and noon.  


Nothing could have done more for the Trump/Vance campaign than the Reverend Al Sharpton and the howls from Black Lives Matter. Progressives upped the ante, firing up their badgering, accusing, belittling whites as gun-toting, backwoods, bass boat, pickup truck trailer trash. 

White people had put up with this caricature for years, seething at these prejudicial notions but intimidated by the rush to judgment, the received wisdom of 'systemic racism', the accusations of privilege and elitism.  Trump was a politician who in his populist vision responded in kind.  Reverse racism, he leveled at the Left. A scurrilous zero-sum game, black up, white down.  Now it was white time, straight white time. 

So Trump hatred, the meme of the Left since his appearance on the national scene in 2015, is being ratcheted up, if that's even possible.  Now that the ticket is complete, and the bloody racism of one man, Donald Trump has been doubled, the stakes couldn't be higher.  A Republican victory will mean years of racial pogroms the return of Jim Crow, The ghettoes will be swept by SWAT teams.  Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, and Washington will be no different from San Salvador or the favelas of Rio where paramilitary forces clean house, round up, and execute at will.  

The meme of the Biden campaign has been 'Democracy', how Trump will destroy it, and how he will save it; but now that the Republican ticket is complete, and the bloodied former President is ascendant and even more popular, such platitudes are not enough; and since none of the Left's attempts to demonize Trump have stuck, a full frontal assault must be launched.  In the three months remaining before the election, the two of them - Trump and Vance - must be destroyed. 

Everything would be linked to race since that, unspoken or not, was what the Trump team was all about. Their pro-life stance was nothing more than a white natalist ploy, to increase white demographic representation. Homophobia was nothing less than a stymie of non-reproductive love, giving prominence to the rabbit warren heterosexual fertility. Lower taxation meant enriching the already rich and enabling their continuing manipulation and oppression of the poor.  

Fewer regulations meant a return to Robber Baron era laissez-faire where powerful white men made millions on the backs of the poor European immigrants who fueled their factories.  Now it is the black man trodden under the heel of white capitalists.  Energy independence meant choking the inner city with noxious, deadly chemicals while the wealthy, sitting on the verandas of their airy summer homes on the Vineyard watch the smoke rise and curl over poor black neighborhoods. 

At each and every turn, the diversity Left was appalled by Trump appointments and suggestions for his Cabinet - all white men!  So called geniuses of Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs, investors, and economic innovators - they all made their wealth off the backs of labor, the exploitable, the weak, and the marginalized.  The so-called experienced, savvy veterans of the economic wars with China and the EU, Silver Star battlefield strategists, and brilliant legal minds were nothing but racial capitalist lackeys out to craft foreign policy and American jurisprudence to a conservative edge.  

Worse than this white tide was Trump's stated goal of eliminating most government agencies, and each one - Education, Health and Human Services, Labor and more - were all thinly veiled moves to deprive the black man of resources and federal support.  Gone would be welfare, self-esteem, food stamps, and entitlement money.  A new age of black suffering would be inaugurated. 

Of course this racial hysteria found no home, not even in the liberals of the East Coast who never liked hyperbole in the first place.  Upper West Side Jews bridled at the new political Wild Bunch - the claque of racial demagogues from insignificant Congressional districts. Theirs was a rabbinical, Biblical progressivism, no less committed and potent than that of the shills on Capitol Hill but much more reasoned and temperate.  Once these alte kockers got wind of the new attacks on Trump and Vance, they demurred. They too had had enough of black this, black that, Bernal Heights jackboots and flannel, black faces everywhere in some kind of weird neo-Bosch nightmare. 

So the two white men at the top of the ticket were on a roll and on their way to the White House.  As always the progressive Left was dumbfounded, nonplussed, incredulous.  'How could they?' They sputtered and fumed at each convention speech, at each promise that would derail the Utopia-bound train just gaining momentum. 'This can't be happening.  It just can't. After all we've done, after all we've tried'. As each white man walked up to the podium to speak, they cringed. 

'It's the end of the line', one said to another, sobbing on each other's shoulder.  Meanwhile the trumpets blared, the drums rolled, and the two white men smiled with gleaming white teeth as the bright, white stage lights brightened everything around them. 

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