"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Saturday, October 26, 2024

'Fascist!' - Kamala Harris And The Last, Humiliating Resort Of A Desperate Woman

The most recent loose screw of the Kamala Harris presidential campaign is her sorry, spineless attacks on Donald Trump.  He is a fascist, she claims in the final, desperate attempt of a candidate who has campaigned on nothing but assumptions of rightness and hopes to gain ground in the final going.  

'I am a proud black women', she shouts at every rally, every whistle stop, and on every platform - a transparently obvious reprise of James Brown's, 'Say It Loud, I'm Black And I'm Proud', but without the entertainer's soul and without anything more substantial that a light tint of skin color. 

The Left has been trying to brand Trump with the fascist, Hitlerian label for years, all for naught, as the former President is neck-and-neck with his opponent, and given his electoral margin in key swing states, poised once again to take the presidency.  

On what basis do progressives make this claim? On the shifting sands of desperately vain, vacuous assumptions.  The 'insurrection' of January 6th, they say, was a well-orchestrated, deliberate attempt to overthrow the government of the United States, take power, and institute a dictatorial autocracy; but it was nothing of the sort, only a ragtag bunch of deep woods, Viking helmeted, war painted side show rejects with nothing better to do than stir up trouble and with nothing better in their resumes than DUI stops, vagrancy, and drunk-and-disorderly arrests.  These fools barraged their way to the Capitol like frat boys storming a women's dorm, a rampage of jerks, dazzled by the bright lights of the city. 

'I was at Auschwitz', said Hyman Rubenstein.  He was being herded into the showers when the 4th Infantry brigade stormed the camp, and freed him and his fellows.  Skeletal, naked, hollow-eyed, and tearful, he ran to the gates and for the first time in four years, smiled. 

Hitler, Rubenstein said, was a man of monumental, unparalleled evil - a devil, a demonic, cruel, demon; and his fascist regime, Brown Shirts, storm troopers, panzers, SS, and all the rest had no match for its savagery, barbarity, and inhumanity. 


'Donald Trump is no fascist', said Rubenstein. 

The old camp survivor's words went viral, and the Harris campaign felt it necessary to reply, to save at least some of the Jewish vote which for decades had been Democratic in lockstep, but was now foundering Right given the lady's compromising stance on Israel and her kowtowing to the anti-Semitic, Jew hating campus mobs. 

'The Holocaust was a terrible event', Harris said in a pre-recorded message. 'A horrible event, an unforgettably barbaric one, but....'; and here every Jew within earshot waited for the other shoe to drop, the incriminating betrayal. '...Donald Trump, while no card-carrying, torchlight parade, pogrom, Kristallnacht Fascist Party partisan, is fascist in mentality, purpose, and intent...'

The Jews went wild - this vacuous woman had no idea of what she was saying, what they went through, or anything about the consummate evil of the Fuhrer; and the more she banged on about fascism in America, the more she dug her own political grave.  She had not lived through the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, the ovens and gas chambers of Birkenau and Sobibor, the extermination of six million Jews.  She was a poseur, and imposter, and a characterless fool. 

The conspirators who plot to murder Julius Caesar in Shakespeare's play of the same name, convict him of pre-crime - his attitude, demeanor, his faux heroism, and the credulous following of the mob all point to the likelihood that he will assume the crown, dooming the Republic perhaps forever.

Of course there was no proof whatsoever that Caesar would in fact become the tyrant Cassius and Brutus assumed; but there was no harm in branding him as an evil interloper, a dangerous man, dangerous to the people of Rome.  Death was what he deserved and what Rome needed. 

And so it is with Harris' attempts to brand Donald Trump as a fascist - a pre-crime supposition that if he takes the White House he will turn it into a storm-trooper, Schutzstaffel, cabal of murderers, butchers, and exterminators. 


Only the credulous, the duped, and the willingly spayed by the lady believe this bilge -  the stink of political sewage is perfumed air for true believers. 

Trump is unmoved, unaffected, and as undaunted as ever; and he has no qualms about labelling her as an empty-headed, disassembling charlatan.  His followers love his bombast, his incorrectness, his stupendous arrogance and self-confidence. They care little whether his extravagant claims are fact or fictional hyperbole. They understand what he means and disregard what he says or how he says it.  They take the political war-mongering of Harris as nothing but cover for a woman without a scintilla of logical policy, a vaporous comer with little more than a fictive presumption of authority. 

'I will do anything to keep that airheaded imposter from the Oval Office', said Hyman Rubenstein, remembering the savagery of the camp guards, the sexual abuse and whoring pandering of the overlords, the filth, the grime, and smell of charred flesh, the bodies, the skulls, and the shaved heads.  A demonic, devilish nightmare - and this woman had the ignorant audacity to bring it all up again, to demean the survivors and to infantilize Hitler and his goons. 

The torchlight parades down Friedrichstraße were the worst, witnessed by the young Rubenstein before he and his family had been rounded up and penned. He remembered the phalanxes of jack-booted, high-stepping storm troopers, monument-sized Nazi flags, martial music and the loud, delirious shouts of the crowds, and although he was too young to understand the full import of the event, he was afraid, very afraid. 

'Never again', he said to himself, and as he heard the outrageous, simple-minded claims of Harris in his head, he shook, tried to stand, and could only hear the bellows of the crowd and the maniacal speech of the Fuhrer.  

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