"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Donald Trump And The Guillotine - The New Robespierre Is Coming To Town

The January 6th cock-up, a hilarious frat boys night out clown show, complete with Viking helmets, feathers, war paint, and hoopla was called an insurrection by the Left whose members had never seen a real one, the Angola, Rwanda, Uganda, Nicaragua, Syria variety.  

That is all in the past except for the Presidential pardons of all who were wrongly detained and arrested by crazed, self-appointed patriots, egged on by shills in the House, the bidding of anything-but-Trump zealots. 

The President was harassed by frivolous lawfare suits, ambitious prosecutors and elected judges - by all comers in a grand guignol pile-on.  All of this was bothersome, irritating, but irrelevant to his re-election campaign. Undaunted, uncowed, and energized by his supporters for whom each extraordinary, outrageous claim against their man was a battle cry. Nothing would stop his pursuit of the White House, and once in the Oval Office, there would be hell to pay. 

And so each and every one of his tormentors is running for the exits - the venal toad of a district attorney in New York, the seditiously ambitious one in Atlanta, and the hundreds of arrogant politicos who assumed that never in a million years would this racist, misogynist, insurrectionist devil ever possibly win an election against a black woman

Right and righteousness was on the side of progressives, or so they thought.  They couldn't lose; and when they did, blindsided, gobsmacked, and downright deer-in-the-headlights stunned, they were incredulous.  This couldn't happen to us! but yet it did; and rather than standing there dazed and confused, they had better run for cover. 

This fleeing, craven lot has artlessly pleaded for a seamless transition, let bygones be bygones in the interest of national unity, let peace and harmony reign for the good of the commonwealth, while the man soon to reign is concocting the worst revenge since Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare's Roman Emperor who kills the two sons of his sworn enemy Tamora, Queen of the Goths, carves them up, bakes them into a pie and serves it to their mother.  


Tamora was no shining example of temperance and rectitude. Angered at Titus' sacrifice of another son, she encourages her sons to rape Titus' daughter, cut out her tongue, and sever her hands to assure silence.

Revenge is as old as the hills, and it is no surprise that Donald Trump will have his, and all of his 75 million electoral supporters will love every minute of it.  

Robespierre and his reign of terror after the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette was perhaps the best remembered of history's revenges.  One by one French aristocrats were rounded up, bound, paraded through the streets of Paris, and decapitated by La Veuve, The Widow.  Their sin was not one of commission but birth - any aristocrat ipso facto was an enemy of the state, an oppressor of the poor who must be eliminated.  Young and old, generous and niggardly, harsh and considerate, near and far all felt the cold steel of La Veuve. 


History had never seen such vengeful butchery, such wanton, fevered vengeance. Blood ran in the streets of Paris for months as the Revolutionists had their way.  The world admires France for its republican, democratic moment of history - a revolution which followed America's defiance of colonial Britain and preceded the Communist Revolution of 1917 - but conveniently forgets The Terror, an expression of the raw, untamed, innate human desire for vengeance. 

Trump, the new Robespierre will do far more than remove his assailants.  He will completely restructure the United States government and summarily remove, expunge, neuter, and permanently dismiss the philosophy, the very nature of arrogant progressivism.  He knows well that this foundational nature of the Left was the factor that enabled the virulent hatred directed at him, that made fantastical notions received wisdom, that used ever bit of its faux reformist Utopianism to justify the most anti-democratic actions. 

Gone will be the presumption that government is democracy's anointed shepherd, that it can do no wrong, that is the interpreter of good and the arbiter of right action; and in its place will be the originalist ideas of individualism, private enterprise, faith, and responsibility.  Gone will be the institutions that have promoted distorted progressive notions - the federal departments and their bureaucracies which have arrogated to themselves power never envisaged by the Founding Fathers and not included in the Constitution. 

Gone will be internationalism and in its place will be a Machiavellian ethos of nationalism and patriotic self-interest; and gone with it will be the culturally destructive all-God's-people naive assumptions about Islam. 

There will be energy independence, free speech, a respect for and promotion of faith and religious values; and a return to sexual normality and a celebration of natural law. 

This is true revolution and the apotheosis of rightful vengeance - both a removal of the enemy and a structural reform such that he will never rise again. There will be no safe havens for the defeated because they never represented honest political difference, but animus, hatred, and personal villainy.  After this debacle, no one will open their doors to them, shelter them in the coming storm, give them refuge and succor.  

They did it to themselves, and like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette arrogate supreme power and authority to themselves, were indifferent and callous to the needs of the ruled. 'Let them eat cake', was a true expression of ruling ignorance and arrogance. 


The defeated American Left is no different and deserve the same ignominious fate as the French monarchs.  Progressives will keep their heads, but the rest of their discredited history is destined for the dust bin. 

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