"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Circus Of American Health Care - Saint Fauci, RFK Jr, And Conspiracy Theories Galore

Who can forget the penitential days of COVID? The shutdowns, the lockdowns, the masks, social distancing, and the rise of community vigilantism?

In a tony, upper-middle class professional neighborhood of Washington, DC, within a stone's throw from the Capitol and solidly progressive, phalanxes of mothers were deployed in the streets, parks, and alleys calling out naysayers - residents who defied science and walked around maskless.

 'J'accuse!, the title of an open letter that Émile Zola wrote to Félix Faure, President of the French Republic, condemning the imprisonment of Alfred Dreyfus, was the meme of Friendship Village. Children became Stasi-like informants, signs demanding adherence to the warnings of Dr. Fauci, COVID czar, were posted next to 'Hate Has No Home Here' and 'Black Lives Matter' placards.

It was the worst of times, the most accusatory, defamatory of times.  Every day Fauci urged compliance according to 'the science' but was a Stalin in disguise, an autocrat sending traitors to Siberian gulags for re-education.  There was no settled science he said because science is a moving, morphing organism; so 'Just In Case' replaced 'Wait and See'.  

Children were branded nasty little vectors, virulent little pods of virus spreading it like the plague, so for their sake and ours, we must close all school doors.  Small businesses were breeding grounds for disease, stinking vessels of viral smut, so they were shuttered. 


Because of Anthony Fauci and his cabal of loyalists, and with the complicity of the residents of Friendship Village and thousands of similar woke communities around the nation, the country went into a hysterical, panicked mode.  

Every time one of Fauci's febrile theories went by the wayside - handwashing and buckets of Purell made not one bit of difference to the spread of the disease; retrofits for industrial strength air filtration systems were billion dollar wastes, social distancing might be an unnecessary precaution - the liberal loyalists were undaunted.  The science was discovering new moons around Jupiter.

Worst of all, Fauci and his apocalyptic crowd were sure that COVID was the harbinger of Armageddon, the worst Biblical plague since Moses' day; and yet it was nothing of the sort, not much worse than the seasonal flu, a mortal disease only to the elderly and immune compromised, nothing to get too exercised about.  Medical historians of some circumspection reminded Fauci of the Hong Kong flu which was a pandemic and a serious one, but which America survived, sick as a dog but without lockdowns, shutdowns, and panic. 


Fauci was so irresponsible in his so-called leadership of the country during COVID that President Biden is considering giving him a pre-emptive, pre-crime pardon.  He knows, like everyone who was paying attention knows, Fauci was a politically-driven marionette. 

America is a land of conspiracy theories, and those that affect health are near the top of the list.  Fluoridation, said many, was the plot of Soviets who found mind-altering properties in the chemical, properties that could weaken will and resolve and make the Communist takeover of America an easy step.  The KGB and other Soviet operatives sandbagged 'the science', coopted technicians, and controlled national propaganda to assure that fluoride was introduced into every drinking water supply in the country.


It took longer than expected for the country to become concerned about the debilitating properties of fluoride, but better late than never, and Robert F Kennedy Jr. newly appointed as Secretary of Health and Human Services is on the case, vowing to dismantle the fluoridation industry and get rid of the threat to America.  

Of course he is politically attuned enough not to reveal his conspiratorial bent and argues all kinds of faux science as justification for his Fauci-like shutdowns; but he is set to take the helm of a major government department and God only knows what damage he will wreak. 

Fluoridation is only the tip of the iceberg.  Kennedy is a committed anti-vaxxer, not only the COVID jab but all jabs.  This is not that surprising because anti-vaxxers are some of the most wildly insurrectionist Americans in the land.  They are the ones who have chickenpox parties - better get the disease when you're little, itch, scratch, and pick sores when it's still fun, rather than come down with it later. No! to the vaccine. 

Vaccines say conspiracy theorists, are responsible for autism, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, nerves, female hysteria, and much more, and it is time to disabuse the powers that be of their pure, unsullied, perfect chemistry. 

So where did this Kennedy guy come from and how did he get such visibility and traction? Trump haters claim that this was a deliberate pandering to his most addled followers.  Give them a good distraction along with red meat.  Let Kennedy do his thing in the name of the American people.  No harm will come of it.  We won't outlaw vaccines, just let the rumor mill churn out theories while we show our sensitivity to the concerns of ordinary Americans. 

There is no logic to American health care.  When Congress decades ago permitted pharmaceutical companies to advertise their products, it turned medicine into a free-for-all; and when the Internet became quick and easily accessible, patients went to doctors' appointments ready to tell the doctor what ailed them and how to cure it.  As a result, the entire country became a huge ignorant cadre of do-it-yourself healers, big pharma benefitted, and doctors demurred. Such and such drug might not be exactly right, but it will do no harm, so when the patient comes back, I'll prescribe the right one.

Insurance companies got in on the scam, and made billions from their collusion with big providers, but at the same time taking heat from consumers for delaying approval of drugs they saw on television - happy couples enjoying life with Zanarax. 

So in this Barnum & Bailey circus, this wild vaudevillian show, this twisted and turned health system, it is no surprise that America gets its Faucis and Kennedys. 

Each autocrat with arrogated authority and passionate commitment to one health cause or another will disagree with every other; so one good thing to come out of Kennedy's reign will be a no-shutdown response to the bird flu.  Let the chickens get sick and a few Americans but we will not, repeat not, put the country through another COVID nightmare. 

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