"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Second Coming Of Donald Trump - A Latter Day Genghis Khan Thunders Into Washington

Genghis Khan was a charismatic and fearsome figure.  He and his armies were known for their cruelty and barbarity, and the sight of them advancing across the battlefield in a storm of dust, the earth shaking with the thunder of 50,000 hooves, was enough to send enemies into retreat. The thought alone of this terrible, bloodthirsty, and mighty warrior was enough to rout enemy armies. Genghis Khan was a man of absolute will and power, a frightening presence of power and vengeance.  He was a horseman of the Apocalypse.


There have been many successful armies in the world.  Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, Pompey the Great, and Marcus Agrippa were as brilliant generals as Genghis Khan, and brought Roman organization, discipline, and management to the battle.  They won because of superior ability, armaments, and military thinking; yet it was Genghis Khan who, with an almost untamed savagery, conquered the world.  At its height the Mongol Empire extended from far eastern China to the Danube, the biggest empire the world has ever seen. 

The Second Coming of Donald Trump will be no different from the rampaging hordes of Genghis Khan who with his Mongol-Turk army charged out of the steppes in a rampage of bloody violence and absolute conviction. Donald Trump's second presidency will be one no one ever expected.  Progressive Democrats who have hectored, badgered, and lambasted the man since his first appearance on the national political stage ten years ago, are already on the run, scurrying for the exits before the legions of destroyers arrive at the gates of the city.  

The return of Trump is something remarkable - a man condemned as an ur-villain, the spawn of the devil, a vile, hateful, arrogant and self-serving criminal is now again poised to lead the country.  Progressives were blindsided, sandbagged and totally taken unawares, so confident were they in the righteousness of their beliefs.  It was unthinkable that anyone could defy the vision of a multicolored, multilayered utopian society, a Tausend Jahre Reich of goodness and beauty, and yet here was the Demon himself at the gates.

The return of Donald Trump, as surprising and historic as it is, will indeed be the End of Days envisaged by his enemies.  The capital will be upended, uprooted, and made unrecognizable as his occupying, unrepentant tribe of merciless conquerors take it over.  Enemies' heads will be impaled on spikes up and down Pennsylvania Avenue, as a reign of vindictive terror and radical change will be established. 

There is nothing that will be untouched by the occupier's fury and intent.  His cadres of silencers and destroyers will stop at nothing to rid the capital of the rotted, viral infestation of the past four years. 

The Second Coming will indeed be of Biblical proportions - the savage destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah will be nothing compared to the devastation wreaked on Washington, a place of equal godlessness, deserving of every blow of Trump's righteous sword.

The new President of Argentina, Javier Milei has become known for his buzz saw and cry of Afuera! the memes of his own Genghis Khan intents to destroy and remove the legacy of decades of penitential Peronism, years of brutal inflation, low wages, profligate public spending, all cloaked in the righteous mantel of populism and historic destiny.  Useless, sycophantic departments of government - Afuera! Clock-punching, sybaritic bureaucrats - Afuera! Vaporous preachers, vain and venal politicians - Afuera!  The new Argentina will never again repeat the errors of the past.  Juan and Evita Peron will be finally dead, buried, and forgotten; or remembered only as opportunistic despoilers. 

The two men - Milei and Trump - are men with an unmitigated, unshakeable mission.  Both are men of energy, will, and purpose; but Trump's engines are fueled by a high octane vendetta. Whether it is for the Robespierre satisfaction of seeing the old guard, the settled, self-assured, political autocrats under the blade of La Veuve, the guillotine; or for the leveling of Leftist Louvre and Palais de Versailles of 'progressive' Washington, Trump is licking his chops. 

Oh, yes, the checks and balances, constitutional principles of American government, will prevail and there will be no such unilateral slaughter.  Democracy will show itself to be still the best and most trusted form of governance there is.  Trump will be stopped. 


Such is the vain hope of the Left which for the last decade has done everything possible to undermine the rule of law. Their unmitigated attempts to try and convict Donald Trump on frivolous, politically motivated charges are only the most obvious and exaggerated examples of their disregard for and disrespect for the law

'Democracy Matters' say the lawn signs in every wealthy, progressive neighborhood.  Trump is the anti-Christ, the insurrectionist interloper out to destroy democracy, liberals said, and now see that their worst fears are being realized.  In the four years of the Trump presidency, democracy will be a goner. 

Of course not, for Donald Trump is a manipulator of the system equal to that of any Democrat.  He knows how to use the gears and wheels of government to further his ends.  He understands how the American legal system - political to the core with judges either elected by a partisan electorate or appointed by a self-serving politician - can be used to achieve sought-after ends.  He is not a survivor of the 'So, sue me' mean streets of New York for nothing.  The system is there to be had, and to use it for one's own ends is not undemocratic, but at the very heart of populist democracy. 

Donald Trump has the same worldview as Genghis Khan - one of conquest and complete victory, fueled by geopolitical ambition and massive ego.  America will once again be Republican, conservative, devout, principled, and unified.  No namby-pamby president, no Jimmy Carter, could possibly realize a vision of such scope and magnitude. 

Heads on spikes, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the guillotine? History has a tendency to repeat itself, but then does so in remarkably innovative and creative ways, so Donald Trump in his Second Coming will find new ways of channeling Nietzsche and Monsieur Khan.  Hold on to your hats. 

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