"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Friday, February 7, 2025

The White Brigade Comes To Washington - Majority Rule Not Minority Interests, The New Trump Ethos

It is no coincidence that the face of the new Trump Administration,  Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, is a pretty, lily white, blonde, blue-eyed woman. 


The contrast to Biden's spokesperson who in her first press conference praised the President for choosing her, a gay, black, immigrant woman to the post, could not be more stark or telling.  White people are back, said the President, 'Get over it'. 

For four years Americans were subjected to progressive hammering about race, gender, and ethnicity - everything was about racism, identity, and diversity.  No opportunity was lost to harass voters for their white privilege, their settled racial elitism, and their stubborn refusal to see the Dawn of a New Age.  

Black people were on every television ad, on every school dais, in government, the private sector, and education.  DEI initiatives ensured that inclusivity was never an incidental issue but a front-and-center one, and tens of millions were spent on diversity seminars, special DEI offices, monitoring for offensive, racist speech, and the promotion of a general atmosphere of racial heterogeneity over all else. 

Millions of Americans, sick and tired of the lecturing, hectoring, and intimidation of the Left; and fed up with the disproportionate representation of black people, barely over ten percent of the population but for all intents and purposes looking like fifty, voted for Donald Trump who made good on his pledge abolish all racially woke programs. 

America is a majority white country, he said, and my Administration will reflect that demographic reality.  While the Left howled 'racism', challenging the President for his non-black Cabinet appointments, he replied once again, 'Get over it'. An administration of talent not identity will be my hallmark.  The net was cast widely, and as expected, most appointments were white. 

Why was that a surprise, asked the President. The highest levels of industry, computer engineering and software, finance, and the professions - despite desperate decades-long affirmative action programs - have few blacks in residence.  While the NFL and NBA are well over 90 percent black, no other industry even breaks par. 

Talent and excellence have not color, said the President; and when a person of color attains the highest level of achievement, creativity, ambition, and insight as his Asian and Caucasian counterparts, he will be selected and placed without reservation. 

The whole fallacy of latter-day affirmative action, a feel-good black Utopian white idealism, would be finally put to rest by the new President.  Sixty years of civil rights, presumptive racial priority, and affirmative action have had little demographic effect - inner cities are still dysfunctional and prisons are crowded with black offenders - and the culture of dependency and entitlement has only served to depress ambition, learning, and correct civil behavior.  A new ethos of responsibility and merit would do more for black communities than years of coddling, overbearing compassion, and cultural myopia. 

The Left of course, already stung, bloodied, and despondent over the election of Trump which most thought virtually impossible given the historical rightness of their cause, were hysterical as they watched the parade of whiteness march into town. 

First there was the election victory party at Mar-a-Lago, the new President's Florida estate where the only black and brown people in evidence were trimming the hedges, skimming the pool, and washing the dishes.  The rest of the gathering was lily white, as white as snow; not only that was so perfectly and spectacularly blonde, unblemished, beautiful, and statuesque. 

These marvelous blonde young things were acting as if nothing was amiss in this perfectly manicured, gloriously white event.  They were oblivious to the absence of color.  For many this was how they had been brought up, privileged, heirs to great fortunes, and legatees to family tradition.  For others, this was what Hollywood, screen tests, and Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Marilyn Monroe, and Margot Robbie were all about - the irresistibly blonde, blue-eyed icons of America. 

When photographs of the event were published and circulated, the Left was apoplectic.  How could years of affirmative action, the lionization of the black man, the pantheon of color, the tribute to African heritage, the overwhelming destiny of racial plurality have been wiped out so quickly?  It was unexpected and unthinkable, horrendously portentous.  If this was the cast of an all-night party at Mar-a-Lago, what would this mean for the White House and the country?

The wailing, breast-beating, and rending of garments by the aggrieved, humiliated, soundly defeated Left increased day by day.  Each victory party, each new round of hopefuls at Mar-a-Lago, each official appointment was a dagger in the heart of stunned, wounded, and disconsolate liberals.  Not only did a man they considered evil, a traitorous insurrectionist and dictator-in-waiting win the election; and not only would their 'progressive' agenda be tossed in the trash, but this unconscionable whiteness would be the meme, the ethos, the zeitgeist of the day. 

It was the last straw, the worst humiliation, the most damnable, inexcusable insult; but blustering and incoherent, they could only howl.  In a hackneyed Benneton ad of racial diversity they hugged each other in love, harmony, and sympathy.  We know what's right, they said, and that flame of righteousness will keep us for the next four years.  


While to the Left such white cavalcade seemed an in-your-face blunt racist statement, it was nothing of the kind.  Trump was only reflecting reality - white people were still in the majority, and even as their numbers declined, white European civilization was still at the very heart of America.  'Whiteness', soon to be colored with Asian tones, would still remain the ethos of the country - based on the foundational principles of Jefferson and the Enlightenment, fueled by Christian faith, and with a solid European moral core.  

American patriotism knew no color, only devotion to the concept of nation and its positive, productive, entrepreneurial values.   The black population had not yet joined this commonwealth of eager opportunity; but when it did, it would be welcomed.  For the time being however, its interests would be removed from the top tier of national priorities. 

'Buggering idiot...uber-racist...cad...Hitlerian Kristallnacht wannabee...pogrom-lover...brute', cried the Left blinded by Trump-hate. The last bits and pieces of woke racialism went swirling down gutters and into drains, into the Potomac and out to see.  They grasped and clutched at them but came up with nothing. 

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