Donald Trump has promised to make America great again, and no one on the Left has paid any attention. Everything must go, the President said, all the liberal shibboleths, myths, fables, and tall tales. The country will return to its Hamiltonian principles - respect for intelligence, logic, and responsibility.
'Can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs', his chief spokesperson said, smiling at the irony. The old saw was the most apt and appropriate nostrum to describe her President's intentions, but the irony came from the mild, homey, sweet metaphor in contrast to Trump's intention to be the century's Genghis Khan, the militant emperor who rode out of the steppes with ten thousand horsemen, charging across the great plains of Asia and conquering every soul from east to west.
A portrait of the great Mongol chief hangs in the Oval Office, an image of certainty, force, and adamantine will. Donald Trump vows to remake America in the image of Khan's Mongol-Turkic empire.
The laying waste to the federal bureaucracy and ridding Washington of its self-perpetuating drudgery is first on the list. Every trace of its gross intellectual obesity and arrogant misuse of government authority will have to go, and a newly defined government, lean and efficient, will be rebuilt from the rubble.
'How could you?', howled the Left which had championed big government for decades and did everything to extend its power, influence, and reach. Government laws, regulations, codicils, caveats, and contracts limiting the independence, individualism, and prosperity of all Americans, are the legacy of the Left, and Washington under successive Democrat governments has grown bigger, more invasive, more petty, and more intrusive every year.
'Government is not the solution', said Ronald Reagan. 'It is the problem', and now more than ever the statement rings true, heard as loudly and clearly as a clarion call, but falling on deaf liberal ears. While Reagan did his best to disabuse the nation of the notion of a caring, compassionate, humble, and considerate government and warn it of the insidious nature of settled, ingrained, immanent power, it took Donald Trump to finally act with unmitigated purpose to effect the changes implicit in the former president's message.
The revolution, however, is not simply one of trash removal; but one of radical reform. Every public institution, every policy, every program of the Left will be affected as the Trump juggernaut will leave no notion unexamined. Everything - energy, immigration, education, environment, defense, health, and social welfare and more - will be reviewed. Nothing will be taken on faith, no received wisdom, no settled science.
The Left is at sixes and sevens, a baying lot. 'How could you?' has become their meme, their rallying cry, but it is hollow and empty. Any casual observer driving down Independence Avenue and looking at row upon row of mammoth government buildings has to ask, 'What goes on in there?'.
How perplexing and aggravating to see a hundred square miles of impenetrable bureaucracy and wonder about its function, operations, or purpose - an instinctive, common sense reaction, but one which the Left finds odious.
However, returning the country to conservative principles, reinvigorating an entrepreneurial, post-industrial giant, and freeing it from 'equity', is only a part, and certainly not the most important part, of the Trump agenda. It is the cultural shift, the rejection of arrogated morality, the ethos of communitarianism, and the programs to neuter the individual, that is at the heart of systemic change.
As one critic has noted, it is a return to common sense - two genders, the historic, endemic importance of private enterprise, and the country's manifest destiny, essential elements of the national character.
The Left has done its best to ignore and cancel history - an intellectual cleansing, an expression of cultural ignorance, but history remains. The South, slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow all happened. Abraham Lincoln understood that to invite the South back into the Union meant accepting what it had done - not condoning or forgiving it, but understanding it.
Trump pledges to restore the integrity of American history, and resuscitate the central ethos which made the country what it is. America will no longer be a hodge-podge of races and ethnicities, prizing incidental characteristics over national, patriotic ones; but will once again become a country of free speech, individual enterprise, social and economic mobility.
The days of entitlement are over - no more walkin' around money in the ghetto, no more valuing indigenous, dysfunctional street culture, no more lionizing ethnic and racial minorities. All will pull individually and the benefits shared collectively - a Jeffersonian vision.
Purpose and irony co-exist in the new Trump Administration. When a reporter from MSNBC said that the President's forays into counter-revolutionary ground and are much like Mao's cultural revolution and Great Leap Forward - violent upheavals of the status quo resulting in death, famine, and persecution, Trump smiled and replied, 'A great leap forward. I like that', and of course like all the publicized Sieg Heil salutes and Hitlerian memes, this casual, humorous reference made the headlines of every liberal news outlet in the country. To which, the President pulled at the corners of his eyes to mimic a Chinese face, and smiled at the camera.
This is not a mild reformulation of the American dream - it is a profound restructuring of America, in one fell swoop a dismissal of cant and hyperbole, an initiative plan to restore the country to its Constitutional origins.
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