"Whenever I go into a restaurant, I order both a chicken and an egg to see which comes first"

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Playing The Hitler Card When The Race Card Won No Tricks - The Left's Losing Hand

'I knew Jack Kennedy, and you're no Jack Kennedy, Senator', Lloyd Bentsen, Democratic candidate for Vice President, said to Dan Quayle his opponent who compared himself to the late President, and the same can be said for anyone old enough to remember WWII.  Anyone comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler simply wasn't around at the time or was paying no attention, but the yapping goes on.  

The President, like Hitler, says the Left, is in the process of destroying all democratic institutions, preparing to establish an authoritarian rule, one which will be just as genocidal as that of the Fuhrer.  Bathhouses and gay clubs in the Castro will be raided and gay men will be corralled and loaded on to cattle cars headed for North Dakota concentration camps and incineration in gas ovens. Bull daggers and butch femmes from Bernal Heights will be 'extirpated', Nazi-speak for gender reassignment aka tarred, feathered, and burned. 

Elon Musk and his DOGE storm troopers are not simply out to expose waste and fraud, the Left goes on, but to dismantle and destroy the central institutions of government.  'Efficiency' is a cover for the wholescale dismissal of the organs of governance.  Without these moderating, censoring, and enabling institutions, the White House and its cabal of robber baron billionaires can reshape America into an autocratic dictatorship, an oligarchy of the super-rich, a shell of its former popular democracy.  


Trump's every line, every sentence, every word is being parsed by progressive journalists in a heyday of anti-contextual jiggering.  According to them, the President sounds like Hitler, struts and salutes like Hitler, and not only channels Der Fuhrer but is his incarnation. 

For over a decade the progressive Left has called Trump evil, but the characterization never stuck.  Evil was too Biblical, too remote, too literary, and too vague.  Only lately have they realized that by personalizing evil, by giving it a Sieg Heil and a brush mustache, Americans can finally see what they have been saying all along.  In thought, word, and deed, Donald Trump is a modern day Hitler - not just an imitation, a last minute walk on, an understudy and imitator, but the real thing. 

In a hyperbolic article in The Atlantic, the author reminds us that "ninety-two years ago, on January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed the 15th chancellor of the Weimar Republic. In one of the most astonishing political transformations in the history of democracy, Hitler set about destroying a constitutional republic through constitutional means.'

He then goes on to detail how Hitler “systematically disabled and then dismantled his country’s democratic structures and processes in less than two months’ time—specifically, one month, three weeks, two days, eight hours, and 40 minutes.”
“We have come to perceive Hitler’s appointment as chancellor as part of an inexorable rise to power,” the author writes. But Hitler’s ascendancy and his smashing of constitutional guardrails “are stories of political contingency rather than historical inevitability.”

It is obvious, the author disingenuously implies, that what Hitler did in Weimar Germany is happening today in America. Less than two months time, he emphasizes, conflating one fact with another circumstantial one, a solipsistic argument, a baldly irrational, presumptive relationship that no one can take seriously.

Yet The Atlantic simply cannot help such imaginative comparisons and maniacal, illogical jumps:

When he describes his opponents as “radical-left thugs” who “live like vermin,” Trump is using words that belong to a particular tradition: “Adolf Hitler used these kinds of terms often,” Applebaum writes. Stalin used the same kind of language, referring to his enemies “as vermin, pollution, filth that had to be ‘subjected to ongoing purification.’” Mao Zedong described his political opponents as “poisonous weeds.”
“In each of these very different societies, the purpose of this kind of rhetoric was the same. If you connect your opponents with disease, illness, and poisoned blood, if you dehumanize them as insects or animals … then you can much more easily arrest them, deprive them of rights, exclude them, or even kill them,” the journalist writes. “If they are parasites, they aren’t human. If they are vermin, they don’t get to enjoy freedom of speech, or freedoms of any kind.”

The insensibility and the sheer intellectual dereliction of the article is stunning.  Hitler indeed said vile things, but acted on them.  His genocidal ethnic cleansing was an exact operational exercise or his philosophy.  Hitler was genocidal and wanted to rid the republic not only of Jews but cripples, homosexuals, and atheists. 

Trump's references, taken within the context of his deliberately offensive caricatures and hyperbole, are nothing but Ă‰pater la bourgeoisie - to shock and upset the timid, faint of heart, overly sensitive, and cowed.  No one but the Left takes him seriously, and his remarks about returning America to its originalist Christian, conservative, European roots has nothing to do with extermination but with restoration.  

Waves of unwanted, uninvited immigration never scrutinized nor admitted on the basis of talent, ability, fidelity, and productivity will indeed alter the ethos and character of the American  population.


Trump if anything recalls Shakespeare when in the Sonnets the poet encourages his 'fair young man' to procreate.  Anyone of such beauty, intelligence, insight, and creativity owes it to the world to populate it with his genes.  Far from eugenics, Trump wants America to be what it was - a nation of proud, faithful, loyal workers and entrepreneurs who share common goals and character.  To jump from these legitimate political, social aspirations, to a claim of genocide is pure nonsense. 

Trump is most definitely uprooting the old, traditional, organs of government - the vast federal bureaucracies into which billions of unaccountable taxpayer dollars are poured each year.  The arrogation of power derived from this idealist largess is destructive, demeaning, and damaging.  Government is not the solution, said Ronald Reagan.  Government is the problem; so the bulldozers out on Independence Avenue are not paving the way for an autocratic State, but for a far more democratic one than seen in two centuries. 

The President is also most definitely reversing the progressive Left's fantastical, unfounded, operatic makeover of human sexuality and the lionization of the 'other-gendered'.  This has nothing to do with Hitler's desire to exterminate homosexuals, but only with the intent to restore biological and historical imperatives.

Trump's insistence on removing all traces of affirmative action and DEI initiatives has nothing to do with racial prejudice or racial cleansing.  It is simply a commitment to restore natural competitiveness to the society and the economy, to stop the adulation of the black man as a primally pure, native African being to be replaced atop the human pyramid and to return to proof and performance. 

The Hitler thing is nothing but the last, losing card of the Left's poker hand, a desperate hope that no one around the table sees the bluff for what it is, the incompetence and foolish play.  They tried the race card, pumped up half-black Kamala Harris as the antidote and savior of the black race, damned and condemned white people for their racist intransigence, and came up empty.  The whole gender fol-de-rol fell flat and tarring normal, heterosexual Americans as reprobates was shown to be the insidious charade it always was.

The rabid last ditch name-calling side show cannot last, for already the Trump sledding has run into rough patches.  The Democrats might be finished as a salient political force, but the Constitutional checks and balances have shown themselves to be more than durable.  

So the juggernaut rumbles on, bureaucracies fall, and the ethos of the country is finding a familiar equilibrium.  Trump will prevail as he always has and the ridiculous hysteria of the Left might settle down and something substantive might emerge; but given the first two months of chickens with their heads cut off political vaudeville, don't hold your breath. 

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